0. Introduction¶
1. The EMNIST Dataset¶
2. Image Pre-processing¶
2.1 Importing the images
2.2 Converting the images to grayscale
2.3 Binarizing the images
2.4 Segmenting the images
2.5 Rescaling and center the segmented images
2.6 Bringing everything together...3. Prediction¶
3.1 Training our model
3.2 Measuring the accuracy
3.3 Predicting words4. Conclusion and possible improvements¶
5. References and further reading¶
This notebook aims to show how to create a simple Handwriting Recognition (HWR) application, able to recognize both letters and numbers. For that, we are going to use two libraries fundamentally:
: for image processing.scikit-learn
: to train our model.The steps we will follow are:
For this example, we will use the EMNIST Dataset [1] which is "a set of handwritten character digits derived from the NIST Special Database 19 and converted to a 28x28 pixel image format and dataset structure that directly matches the MNIST dataset". You can find more information about it here.
However, if you wish to use a different dataset, the process should be very similar to what we will follow here.
The EMNIST Dataset offers six different splits. In our case, we will use the "EMNIST Balanced" split, which contains 131,600 characters (letters and numbers) and 47 balanced classes. We can get it from Kaggle.
Once downloaded, let's load it with pandas
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
# Read training and test datasets
train_data = pd.read_csv(Path("datasets/emnist-balanced-train.csv")).values
test_data = pd.read_csv(Path("datasets/emnist-balanced-test.csv")).values
The format of data is:
Class | Image data |
4 | [ 0 0 254 214 ... 214 154 45 0 0 ] |
21 | [ 188 0 0 179 ... 245 70 244 0 0 ] |
8 | [ 0 45 177 89 ... 80 154 90 0 45 ] |
11 | [ 0 252 196 200 ... 61 251 0 0 0 ] |
... | ... |
Let's separate the input from the target values:
# training set
x_train = train_data[...,1:] # all columns except the first
y_train = train_data[...,0] # first column
# test set
x_test = test_data[...,1:]
y_test = test_data[...,0]
We can now plot one of the images to check that everything is working fine. We'll use matplotlib
for that.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The image data, as we have mentioned previously, is stored in only one dimension. In addition, the images are mirrored horizontally and rotated 90º. Because of this, we cannot plot them directly. First, we need to take the following steps:
function. The images size is 28 x 28 pixels, so we will pass these values to that function.fliplr()
for that.rot90()
, also from numpy.import numpy as np
def imshow_EMNIST(img):
'''Plots EMNIST dataset images.
EMNIST image.
img.shape = (28, 28) # make the image two-dimensional (28x28 pixels)
img = np.fliplr(img) # flip it horizontally
img = np.rot90(img) # rotate it 90º
plt.imshow(255-img, cmap='gray') # invert the image, so black pixels are
# white and viceversa, also plot it in
# grayscale (cmap='gray')
img = x_test[1100] # random image
As we said before, the labels will take values between 0 and 46. The correspondence between the labels and the characters is as follows:
Label | Character |
0 | '0' |
... | ... |
9 | '9' |
10 | 'A' |
... | ... |
35 | 'Z' |
36 | 'a' |
... | ... |
46 | 't' |
We might think that the conversion of the label into ASCII code would be as simple as carrying out an addition. For example, the label for 'A' is 10, and its ASCII code is 65. So, adding 55 to the label would be enough to get the character.
However, that's quite not right, since there are characters that share the same label, as we can see in the following image extracted from the EMNIST paper:
This is due to the similarity of certain lowercase and uppercase letters. For example, the characters 'o' and 'O', 'x' and 'X', 'w' and 'W', etc. Telling whether they are lower or uppercase in an isolated context is very complicated, if not impossible.
To establish the correspondence label-character, due to the small irregularities mentioned, the simplest thing to do might be defining a dictionary.
# label-character correspondence
data2ascii = {0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '5', 6: '6', 7: '7', 8: '8', 9: '9',
10: 'A', 11: 'B', 12: 'C', 13: 'D', 14: 'E', 15: 'F', 16: 'G', 17: 'H', 18: 'I',
19: 'J', 20: 'K', 21: 'L', 22: 'M', 23: 'N', 24: 'O', 25: 'P', 26: 'Q', 27: 'R',
28: 'S', 29: 'T', 30: 'U', 31: 'V', 32: 'W', 33: 'X', 34: 'Y', 35: 'Z', 36: 'a',
37: 'b', 38: 'd', 39: 'e', 40: 'f', 41: 'g', 42: 'h', 43: 'n', 44: 'q', 45: 'r',
46: 't'}
Using the previous example...
print("Character:", data2ascii[y_test[1100]]) # y_test stores the labels
Character: A
It would also be interesting to implement a function that would allow us to find all the occurrences of a certain character in the dataset.
def find_character(character, label_set):
'''Finds a specific character in a set.
Character to look for.
Set containing EMNIST labels.
Indexes where the character has been found.
pos = []
for i in range(len(label_set)):
if data2ascii[label_set[i]] == character:
return pos
For example, let's look for all the occurrences of 'C':
indexes = find_character('C', y_test)
print("Number of 'C' characters:", len(indexes))
imshow_EMNIST(x_test[indexes[2]]) # third 'C' character in the dataset
Number of 'C' characters: 400 [8, 29, 34, 37, 83, 95, 141, 147, 150, 227, 236, 337, 493, 584, 629, 633, 762, 768, 807, 809]
The goal of our application is to recognize not only individual characters, but entire words.
To do this, it is necessary to carry out a pre-processing of the image. This pre-processing will basically consist of:
Let's go step by step.
To import the images, we will use three libraries:
: which let's us interact with the operating system.scikit-image
: which is a powerful image processing library.import os
from skimage.io import imread
from pathlib import Path
dataset_dir = Path("./img-prediction") # directory where the images are
img_names = os.listdir(dataset_dir) # list all the files in that directory
imgs = []
for name in sorted(img_names):
img = imread(dataset_dir / name) # load image
plt.imshow(imgs[0]) # plot one of the loaded images
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9ba0e91b20>
Scikit-image provides the rgb2gray()
method for converting an image to grayscale:
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
img = imgs[0]
img_gray = rgb2gray(img)
plt.imshow(img_gray, cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9ba423aac0>
The next thing we have to do is to binarize the image, that is, to make the pixels of the image take only two values. In our case, we will make those two values 'True' or 'False'.
An important concept when binarizing an image is the threshold. Esentially, this value will set the limit between what will be 'True', and what will be 'False'.
Finding a threshold that is versatile enough to adapt to different images can be a complicated task. The scikit-image library provides a number of functions to find an appropriate threshold value. We will use threshold_otsu()
, based on the Otsu method.
All pixels whose values are below the threshold, will become True
; the rest, will be False
. That is, the dark pixels (for example, those that correspond to a letter), will be True
; the light pixels (the white background), will be False
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
def binarize(img):
'''Binarizes an image.
Image to be binarized.
Binarized image.
img = rgb2gray(img)
return img < threshold_otsu(img_gray) # image binarization
img_binary = binarize(img)
plt.imshow(img_binary==False, cmap='gray') # compare with False to have black letters over white bg
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9ba3e786a0>
To separate the letters that make up the word, we will project the image horizontally and vertically.
We can collect the information from the projections in one-dimensional lists. The values will be boolean, since we just need to know if there is information in a certain column/row of pixels (True
) or not (False
def get_horiz_projection(img):
'''Gets the horizontal projections from an image.
Binarized image to get the projections from.
A list containing the horizontal projections.
img_width = img.shape[1]
h_proj = np.empty(img_width, dtype=bool)
for i in range(img_width):
h_proj[i] = any(img[..., i]) # True if there's information in a column
return h_proj
def get_vert_projection(img):
'''Gets the vertical projections from an image.
Binarized image to get the projections from.
A list containing the vertical projections.
img_height = img.shape[0]
v_proj = np.empty(img_height, dtype=bool)
for i in range(img_height):
v_proj[i] = any(img[i])
return v_proj
get_horiz_projection(img_binary)[103:111] # check it works
array([False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True])
Once we know where there's information, and where there's not, thanks to the functions defined above, we want to know in which pixel intervals the information is contained. We can store the start and end points of the information in a list, as illustrated below:
def get_slices_from_proj(img, f_projection, elem_sub_list = 0):
'''Returns a list of projection intervals in which there is
Binarized image to get the slices from.
Function that calculates the projections.
Used to divide the list in sublists of `elem_sub_list`
The list with the pixel intervals.
slices = []
proj = f_projection(img)
previous = proj[0]
for i in range(1, proj.size):
if previous != proj[i]: # we keep track of the pixel where there's change
previous = proj[i] # update previous
return slices if not elem_sub_list else sub_list(slices, elem_sub_list)
def sub_list(main_list, elem_sub_list):
Create sublists of `elem_sub_list` elements inside `main_list`.
List that will to be divided into sublists.
The list with the sublists created.
return [main_list[i:i+elem_sub_list] for i in range(0, len(main_list), elem_sub_list)]
get_slices_from_proj(img_binary, get_horiz_projection, 2)
[[59, 95], [107, 141], [147, 182], [185, 218]]
With this information, we are now able to segment the image:
imgs_crop = []
h_slices = get_slices_from_proj(img_binary, get_horiz_projection, 2)
for i in range(len(h_slices)):
imgs_crop.append(img_binary[:, h_slices[i][0] : h_slices[i][1]]) # crop left and right
for i in range(len(imgs_crop)):
v_slices = get_slices_from_proj(imgs_crop[i], get_vert_projection) # take the vertical projection of each
imgs_crop[i] = imgs_crop[i][v_slices[0]:v_slices[-1]] # letter and crop top and bottom
# Plot the separated letters
f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 4) # creamos la figura y los ejes
axarr[0].imshow(imgs_crop[0]==False, cmap='gray')
axarr[1].imshow(imgs_crop[1]==False, cmap='gray')
axarr[2].imshow(imgs_crop[2]==False, cmap='gray')
axarr[3].imshow(imgs_crop[3]==False, cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9ba3a10160>
The resizing of the images can be done with the help of the resize()
function from scikit-image
. In order to avoid pixelated edges when resizing, we will first apply a Gaussian filter. Again, scikit-image
provides a suitable function for this: gaussian()
from skimage.filters import gaussian
from skimage.transform import resize
img_blur = gaussian(imgs_crop[3], 3) # Gaussian blur for smooth edges when rescaling
img_resized = resize(img_blur, (28, 28), mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=True) # rescale to 28 x 28
plt.imshow(255-img_resized, cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9ba3e69d00>
To prevent the image from being distorted and the edges of the letter from sticking to the edge of the image, we will add a white frame around it, so that the letter is nicely centered in the image.
We will define a function that will add these borders and resize the image.
def add_borders_resize(img, pxls_width = 28, pxls_height = 28, sigma=0.3):
'''Adds white borders to the image and scales it to `pxls_width`
by `pxls_height` pixels.
Image that will have the borders added to, and will be
Width of the resized image in pixels.
Height of the resized image in pixels.
Deviation for the Gaussian filter.
The resized image with the added frames.
if img.shape[0] > img.shape[1]: # if the image is higher than it is wide
# order_height and border_width are added above and below, left and right, respectively
border_height = int((img.shape[1]/img.shape[0])*(pxls_width/1.1)) # arbitrary (the higher the image
# is, the less border we should add)
# border_width is calculated so that when it is added to the image, it becomes square
border_width = int(((img.shape[0]+border_height*2) - img.shape[1])/2)
else: # if the image is wider than it is higher, the process is similar
border_width = int((img.shape[0]/img.shape[1])*(pxls_width/1.1)) # arbitrary
border_height = int(((img.shape[1]+border_width*2) - img.shape[0])/2)
v_border = [] # vertical border
for i in range(border_height):
v_border.append([False for i in range(0, img.shape[1])]) # create vertical border
img = np.concatenate((np.asarray(v_border), img, np.asarray(v_border))) # add it to left and right of the img
h_border = [] # horizontal border
for i in range(0, img.shape[0]):
h_border.append([False for i in range(0, border_width)]) # create horizontal border
img = np.column_stack((np.asarray(h_border), img, np.asarray(h_border))) # add it above and below
img = gaussian(img, sigma*10) # Gaussian blur
# rescale and normalize to 0-255
return (resize(img,(pxls_width, pxls_height), mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=True)*255).astype(int)
When returning, the image is normalized so that all its values are between 0 and 255 and are of type int
, just like the samples of our dataset. This is necessary since the gaussian ()
function returns the image in float
values between 0.0 and 1.0.
img_resized = add_borders_resize(img_blur)
plt.imshow(255-img_resized, cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9ba3d45f40>
Let's create a function that segments the letters of the word, resizes them, and adds the white border to each of them:
def slice_image(img):
'''Slices the letters in the image.
Image to be sliced.
A list with the slices.
imgs_crop = []
h_slices = get_slices_from_proj(img, get_horiz_projection, 2)
for i in range(len(h_slices)):
imgs_crop.append(img[:, h_slices[i][0] : h_slices[i][1]]) # crop left and right
for i in range(len(imgs_crop)):
v_slices = get_slices_from_proj(imgs_crop[i], get_vert_projection) # we take the vertical projection of
imgs_crop[i] = imgs_crop[i][v_slices[0]:v_slices[-1]] # each letter and crop top and bottom
imgs_crop[i] = add_borders_resize(imgs_crop[i]) # rescale and add frame
return imgs_crop
Finally, we will define a function that gathers all the steps involved in the pre-processing of the image:
def pre_process_img(img):
'''Pre-processes and slices the image.
Image to be pre-processed.
The image pre-processed and sliced.
img_binary = binarize(img) # binarize the image
imgs_sliced = slice_image(img_binary) # slice the image
return imgs_sliced
def imshow_segmented(img, imgs_crop):
'''Plots the original image, as well as its slices once
Image to be plotted.
Image slices.
# plot the letters separately
f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, len(imgs_crop))
for i in range(len(imgs_crop)):
axarr[i].imshow(255-imgs_crop[i], cmap='gray')
imgs_sliced = pre_process_img(img)
imshow_segmented(img, imgs_sliced)
To predict the letters, we will use a neural network as a classifier. The scikit-learn
library provides us with multiple alternatives when it comes to classifiers. We will use the MLPClassifier
, a classifier that implements a multilayer perception.
This classifier supports numerous hyper-parameters that we can adjust to achieve better prediction. In our case, we will only define the number of hidden layers and neurons, but you can try more advanced configurations to improve its accuracy.
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
clf = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(1024, 512, 256))
# clf.fit(x_train, y_train)
Once our model is trained, we can save it so we don't lose it when we close the notebook. To do this, we are going to use the pickle
library, which also allows us to load a pre-trained classifier.
import pickle
# save the trained classifier
with open('pretrained-models/mlp_classifier.pkl', 'wb') as fid:
pickle.dump(clf, fid)
# load the saved classifier
with open(Path('pretrained-models/mlp_classifier.pkl'), 'rb') as fid:
clf = pickle.load(fid)
Once we have trained our model, we will measure its accuracy. Let's define a function for that:
def clf_accuracy(x_test, y_test):
'''Calculates a classifier accuracy.
The input test features.
The input test labels.
The accuracy of the model.
p = clf.predict(x_test)
count = 0
for p_i, y_i in zip(p, y_test):
count += int(p_i == y_i)
return (count / x_test.shape[0]) * 100
print("Accuracy:", clf_accuracy(x_test, y_test))
Accuracy: 82.54162455449759
Finally, we can try to predict our own words. Let's define a function that joins everything we have seen so far:
def get_prediction(img, clf, case='first'):
'''Predicts the word in the image.
The photo with the word to identify.
The classifier used for the prediction.
Optional. Admissible values are:
- 'first': capitalize first letter.
- 'upper': capitalize whole word.
- If any other value is passed, including the empty
string, the word will be returned in lower case.
The predicted word.
preds = []
for image in pre_process_img(img):
image = np.rot90(image, k=-1) # rotate and mirror the image,
image = np.fliplr(image) # so it matches the dataset images
image = image.reshape(image.size).tolist()
pred = clf.predict([image])[0]
word = "".join(preds)
if case == 'first':
return word.capitalize()
elif case == 'upper':
return word.upper()
return word.lower()
img = imgs[0]
word = get_prediction(img, clf, case='lower')
print("Prediction:", word)
imshow_segmented(img, pre_process_img(img))
Prediction: yeah
img = imgs[1]
word = get_prediction(img, clf, case='lower')
print("Prediction:", word)
imshow_segmented(img, pre_process_img(img))
Prediction: great
img = imgs[2]
word = get_prediction(img, clf)
print("Prediction:", word)
imshow_segmented(img, pre_process_img(img))
Prediction: 4chan
img = imgs[3]
word = get_prediction(img, clf, case='lower')
print("Prediction:", word)
imshow_segmented(img, pre_process_img(img))
Prediction: understanding
img = imgs[4]
word = get_prediction(img, clf, case='lower')
print("Prediction:", word)
imshow_segmented(img, pre_process_img(img))
Prediction: h4ck3rm4n
img = imgs[5]
word = get_prediction(img, clf)
print("Prediction:", word)
imshow_segmented(img, pre_process_img(img))
Prediction: Incomprehensibi1ities
Note: You might have thought that the previous examples are cherry-picked... Well... you're somehow right ;) But hey, we trained a very basic classifier, so it's not that bad, is it? That's why I challenge you to train better models, you might get much better results! You can learn more about the Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) and scikit-learn
's implementation of it here.
In this notebook we have explained a simple implementation of Handwritten Recognition (HWR), covering the pre-processing of the images, the training of a simple classifier, and last but not least, we have tested the whole thing with real-world examples.
One important thing to notice is that our implementation, because of being so simple, has some serious limitations. For example, because of the way we separate the letters (through projections), our algorithm would be unable to separate letters that are joined together, something that happens frequently in handwriting.
As for possible improvements, there would be quite some of them, although the most immediate would be:
[1] Cohen, G., Afshar, S., Tapson, J., & van Schaik, A. (2017). EMNIST: an extension of MNIST to handwritten letters. Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1702.05373.